Improving Listening Skills with Extensive Listening Using Podcasts and Vodcasts

Extensive listening, L2 listening skills, Podcast, VodcastAbstract
The present study investigated the potential of podcasting and vodcasting technology in promoting extensive listening and improving overall L2 listening skills. Forty-nine college-level EFL students took part in this year-long study. Data, coming from listening log assignments, listening progress tests, proficiency tests and a listening log questionnaire, were both quantitatively and qualitatively analyzed and interpreted. Results show that students spent approximately one hour per week on extensive listening with podcasts or vodcasts outside the classroom. Vodcasts were found to be less commonly preferred than podcasts by students. Further, as measured by listening progress tests and proficiency tests, students were able to make significant progress in their overall listening skills by the end of the year. Additionally, students found extensive listening practice with podcasts and vodcasts highly effective not only in helping them improve as L2 listeners but also enhancing their pronunciation abilities and knowledge of words and phrases. Yet, students reported being occasionally frustrated with the pace of speech in podcasts and vodcasts. Overall, this study suggests that developing certain language skills can be boosted with digital technologies at our fingertips.
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