2024 December Issue
We are pleased to publish the December 2024 issue of the International Journal of Contemporary Educational Research.
Chief Editor
Prof. Dr. Mehmet Nuri Gömleksiz | |
Scope: Curriculum and Instruction, English Language Teaching, Teacher Training
Fırat University, Türkiye
Assoc. Prof. Muhammed Zincirli | |
Scope: Education Management, Educational Policy, Education Sociology
Fırat University, Türkiye
Editorial Board
Prof. Dr. Ayse Dilek Öğretir-Özcelik | |
Scope: Chıld Development Educatıon, Early Chıldhood Educatıon, Posıtıve Psychology
Gazi University, Türkiye
Prof. Dr. Dennis Beach| |
Scope: Politics of Education and Teacher Education, Ethnography, Sociology
University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Prof. Dr. Izhar Oplatka | |
Scope: Emotions in educational organizations, organizational crisis in educational systems.
Tel Avıv University, Israel
Prof. Dr. İbrahim Halil Diken | |
Scope: Special Education, Early Intervention, Early Childhood Special Education
Anadolu University, Türkiye
Prof. Dr. Necati Cemaloğlu | |
Scope: Education Management, Leadership, Administration and Supervision Education
Gazi University, Türkiye
Assoc. Prof. Ahmet Tanhan | |
Scope: Psychology, Counseling Education, Mental health
University of North Carolina at Greensboro, USA
Assoc. Prof. Chin-Lung Chien | |
Scope: Social Psychology, Teacher-Student Relationship, Statistics for Psychology and
Education Soochow University, Taiwan
Assoc. Prof. Gang Zhu | |
Scope: Teacher Education, Urban Education, Comparative Education
East China Normal University, China
Assoc. Prof. Mustafa Savcı ||
Scope: Education & Educational Research, Psychology, Substance Abuse
Fırat University, Türkiye
Assoc. Prof. Sedat Gümüş | |
Scope: Educational Administration, Educational Policy, School Improvement
Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Assoc. Res. Dr. Tsung-Hau Jen | |
Scope: Information about E-Learning environments, Curriculum Development
National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan
Dr. Kathy E. Green | |
Scope: Evaluation, Statistics, Measurement
University of Denver, USA
Statistics Editor
Scope: Educational Measurement and Evaluation
Assoc. Prof. Ahmet Salih Şimşek | |
Kırşehir Ahi Evran University, Türkiye
Ethics Editor
Prof. Dr. Cemal Aküzüm | |
Dicle University, Türkiye
Language Editors
Dr. Servet Balikci | |
Munzur University, Türkiye
Elzbieta Kubiak
Gimnazjum im. Integracji Europejskiej, Poland
Social Media Editor
Dr. Emirhan Yetiş | |
Fırat University, Türkiye
Layout Editor
Dr. Habibe Güneş | |
Fırat University, Türkiye
Field Editors
Scope: Elementary Education & Curriculum & Theory of Education
Dr. Luminița Catană | |
Institute of Educational Sciences, Romania
Scope: Guidance and Psychological Counseling
Assoc. Prof. Erol Uğur | |
Düzce University, Türkiye
Scope: Curriculum and Instruction
Assoc. Prof. Melih Dikmen | |
Fırat University, Türkiye
Scope: Guidance and Psychological Counseling
Dr. Kuan-Ming Chen | |
National Academy For Educational Research, Taiwan
Scope: Fine Arts Education
Assoc. Prof. Nilay Özaydın | |
Necmettin Erbakan University, Türkiye
Scope: Education Management
Assist. Prof. Alper Uslukaya | |
Çankırı Karatekin University, Türkiye
Scope: Computer and Instructional Technologies
Assist. Prof. Ahmet Uyar | |
Hatay Mustafa Kemal University, Türkiye
Scope: Pre-School Teacher Education
Assist. Prof. Buket Şen | |
Munzur University, Türkiye
Scope: Turkish Education & Social Studies Teacher Education
Assist. Prof. Tuğrul Gökmen Şahin | |
İnönü University, Türkiye
Scope: Elementary School Teacher Education & Special Education Teaching
Assist. Prof. Erdal Zengin | |
Fırat University, Türkiye
Scope: Foreign Languages Education & English Language Teaching
Assist. Prof. Ayşe Merzifonluoğlu | |
Erzincan Binali Yıldırım University, Türkiye
Assoc. Prof. Türker Toker | |
Usak University, Türkiye
Update: 11.03.2025
We are pleased to publish the December 2024 issue of the International Journal of Contemporary Educational Research.
We are pleased to publish the September 2024 issue of the International Journal of Contemporary Educational Research.