Grounded Theory Approaches: A Comprehensive Examination of Systematic Design Data Coding

Grounded Theory, Systematic design, Classic design, Constructivist approach, Data codingAbstract
This study focuses on Grounded Theory, which is one of the qualitative research designs. Glaser and Strauss developed the Grounded Theory; it has been revised by other scientists, resulting in three distinct Grounded Theory approaches: the systematic design (Corbin and Strauss approach), the classical design (Glaser approach), and the constructivist approach (Charmaz approach). This research aims to discover the key characteristics of grounded theory through a comprehensive examination of these three methods and to show the systematic design in depth. In Grounded Theory research, the systematic design is favoured above other designs, so it is essential to understand the application steps carefully. As a result, the systematic design, which is similar to other designs in terms of fundamental characteristics, exhibits coding stage variances. In this regard, it is intended that the study will alleviate ambiguity in Grounded Theory research, particularly during the coding phase.
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