Using Digital Tools to Improve Vocabulary in Fourth-Grade Primary School Students

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Vocabulary instruction, Turkish learning areas, Educational technology, Digital tools, Primary school fourth-grade students


he purpose of this study was to improve the vocabulary of fourth-grade primary school students through action plans based on digital tools. The study was conducted within the framework of participatory action research design, one of the qualitative research approaches. The participants were 32 fourth-grade students from a public elementary school in Konya during the spring semester of 2023. The study started with a pre-test using Bulut's (2013) vocabulary test to assess the students' vocabulary levels. Subsequently, four action plans were developed, consisting of eight activities focusing on different Turkish learning areas (listening, speaking, reading, and writing). These action plans were implemented over an eight-week period. Following the intervention, a post-test was conducted, and the pre- and post-test results were compared to assess the students' progress. Additionally, qualitative data including observation notes, digital diaries, teacher and student interviews, video recordings, and research meetings were analyzed to gather feedback on the implementation process. The results indicated an improvement in students' vocabulary skills. The use of digital tools suitable for various learning domains and the incorporation of diverse text types in the activities fostered student engagement, enjoyment, and a comprehensive approach to vocabulary development. Furthermore, the implementation of group strategies positively influenced students' motivation and willingness to learn.


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How to Cite

Asıkcan, M. (2023). Using Digital Tools to Improve Vocabulary in Fourth-Grade Primary School Students. International Journal of Contemporary Educational Research, 10(3), 801–822.


