Exploring the Gap between College Cluster Natural Science and 1st Cycle Primary School Environmental Science Curriculum

Primary School Science Education, College Cluster Natural Science Curriculum, School Environmental Science CurriculumAbstract
The purpose of this study was to explore the gap between college cluster Natural Science and School Environmental Science Curriculum. It was conducted realizing the fact that primary level science education is a corner stone to lay a foundation to get young citizens who are interested and attracted towards natural science and other technology fields as these fields determine greatly the advancement of a nation. The study analyzed different documents like college cluster natural science curriculum guide and school environmental science curriculum guide, environmental science textbooks, environmental science MLC document, and primary school science kit manual. In addition, the study included 14 Debre Markos & 7 Injibara Teacher Education Colleges’ natural science instructors and 28 school environmental science teachers working in and around Debre Markos Town as human participants of the study. Objectives, contents, teaching learning methods, assessment techniques, and learning experiences were investigated in the documents mentioned earlier. Sample units were selected using availability sampling technique. Data relevant to the study were collected using open ended & closed ended questionnaires from college and school science teachers, document analysis, and discussions with college and school science teachers. Quantitative and qualitative data analyses techniques were employed. Data collected from closed ended questionnaires and some part of the document analysis were analyzed quantitatively whereas data collected from open ended questionnaires, some part of document analysis, and discussions were analyzed qualitatively. Based on the analyses of the data from the multilevel sources, conclusions were drawn and recommendations were forwarded to concerned authorities.
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