An Analysis of the Qualities of the Problems Posed by the Students in a Seventh Grade Mathematics Course Assisted by the Problem Posing Approach

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  • Katibe Gizem YIĞ
  • Zeynep AY



Problem posing, linear equations, Problem posing evaluation rubric, qualities of the problems


In this study, it is primarily aimed to determine the qualities of the problems posed by the students in a mathematics class delivered through the problem-posing approach and to examine the mean scores of the students obtained from these qualifications. The linear equations topic at the seventh grade was taught using the problem-posing approach. The study was designed as a case study and involved twenty students as participants. The data were collected using thirteen problem-posing tasks. At the first step of the study, a problem-posing evaluation rubric was developed. The rubric involved the following criteria: clarity, mathematical accuracy, contextual originality, originality in terms of mathematical relations, complexity level and pertinence to situation qualifications. Then, this rubric was used to identify the qualities of these problems. It was also employed to determine whether or not the mean scores of the participants significantly differed based on the objectives stated. The findings of the study suggest that in parallel to the participants’ improvement on the objectives, their mean scores on contextual originality, originality in terms of mathematical relations, and complexity also improved. It is concluded that the integrity of the problem-posing approach into the educational program will improve the qualities of the problems developed by the participants.

Author Biographies

Katibe Gizem YIĞ

Corresponding Author: Katibe Gizem YIĞ, 

This study is produced from the doctoral dissertation of the first author.

Katibe Gizem YIĞ

Zeynep AY

Zeynep AY


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How to Cite

YIĞ, K. G., & AY, Z. (2022). An Analysis of the Qualities of the Problems Posed by the Students in a Seventh Grade Mathematics Course Assisted by the Problem Posing Approach. International Journal of Contemporary Educational Research, 8(2), 13–30.


