Radical versus Social Constructivism: An Epistemological-Pedagogical Dilemma

adical Constructivism, Social Constructivism, Epistemological-pedagogical Dilemma, Epistemological Eclecticism, Pedagogical EclecticismAbstract
In this paper, the author has discussed the epistemological and the pedagogical dilemma he faced in the past and that he is still facing within radical and social constructivist paradigms. He built up an understanding of radical constructivism from the works of Ernst von Glasersfeld and social constructivism from the works of Paul Ernest. He introduced the notion of constructivism including both radical constructivism and social constructivism in brief. Then he reconceptualized these forms of constructivism in terms of epistemological and pedagogical motivation leading to a dilemma. He emphasized how the dilemma within these paradigms might impact one’s actions and how resolving this dilemma leads to eclecticism. He summarized that one paradigm world does not function well in the context of teaching and learning of mathematics (and science). Finally, he concluded the dilemma issue with epistemological and pedagogical eclecticism.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Radical Constructivism, Social Constructivism, Epistemological-pedagogical Dilemma, Epistemological Eclecticism, Pedagogical Eclecticism
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