A Longitudinal Study of the Relationship between Mathematics and Science Scores: The Case of Texas

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  • Sevket Ceyhun Cetin
  • M. Sencer Corlu
  • Mary M. Capraro
  • Robert M. Capraro


Integration, Interdisciplinary, Mathematics, Science


The relationship between mathematics and science is generally validated by common sense. There is a need to empirically show how student growth is affected as students transition to high school when a profound mathematical knowledge is no longer an option for success in science but is required. The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between mathematics and science scores acquired from a state-wide student achievement exam in Texas, USA, and how this relationship changes over the high school years. Results over four time points in mathematics and two time points in science, spanning 8th to 11th grades, showed a greater growth in mathematics than it did for science and a weaker correlation between the two content areas for under-represented ethnicities.

Author Biographies

Sevket Ceyhun Cetin

Corresponding Author: Sevket Ceyhun Cetin, s.ceyhuncetin16@gmail.com, Texas Tech University

M. Sencer Corlu

Bilkent University

Mary M. Capraro

Bilkent University

Robert M. Capraro

Texas A&M University




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How to Cite

Cetin, S. C., Corlu, M. S., Capraro, M. M., & Capraro, R. M. (2015). A Longitudinal Study of the Relationship between Mathematics and Science Scores: The Case of Texas. International Journal of Contemporary Educational Research, 2(1), 13–21. Retrieved from https://ijcer.net/index.php/pub/article/view/25


