Latent Trajectories of Subjective Well-Being: An Application of Latent Growth Curve and Latent Class Growth Modeling

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Dynamic process, Individual differences, Latent growth curve modeling, Latent growth classes, Measurement design


This study proposed a three-stage measurement model utilizing the Latent Growth Curve Modeling and Latent Class Growth Analysis. The measurement model was illustrated using repeated data collected through a four-week prospective study tracking the subjective well-being of volunteer college students (n=154). Firstly, several unconditional growth models were estimated to define the model providing a better representation of individual growth trajectories. Secondly, several conditional growth models were formulated to test the usefulness of covariate variables hypothesized to explain observed variance in growth factors. Finally, latent class models were estimated to explore different latent trajectory classes further. Results showed that students' subjective well-being changed over time, and the rate of this change, as well as its covariates, were not constant for the entire sample. This study clearly illustrates how a longitudinal measurement approach can enhance the scope of findings and the depth of inferences when repeated measurements are available.


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How to Cite

Sozer-Boz, E., & Kahraman, N. (2023). Latent Trajectories of Subjective Well-Being: An Application of Latent Growth Curve and Latent Class Growth Modeling . International Journal of Contemporary Educational Research, 10(2), 411–423.


