The Effect of Social Support on Work-Life Balance: The Role of Psychological Well-Being

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Work-life balance, Social support, Psychological well-being


Objective: This research was conducted to determine the relationships between psychological well-being, social support, and work-life balance and the mediating effect of psychological well-being on the relationship between social support and work-life balance. Methods: Data were collected from a convenience sample of 277 participants. Data analysis was done with regression and the Pearson correlation coefficient. Regression-based mediation analysis developed by Hayes (2013) was used to examine the mediation effect of psychological well-being. Results: Work-life balance is negatively related to social support (r=-.51) and, positively related to psychological well-being (r=.50). As a result of the mediation analysis based on regression to determine the mediating effects, it was concluded that psychological well-being had a mediating effect on the relationship between social support and work-life balance. The bootstrapp (10000) method was used to determine whether the mediation analysis was significant. Conclusions: These findings suggest that the inverse relationship between social support and work-life balance is at least partly explained by the level of psychological well-being.


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How to Cite

Kurtuluş, E., Yıldırım Kurtuluş, H., Birel, S., & Batmaz, H. (2023). The Effect of Social Support on Work-Life Balance: The Role of Psychological Well-Being. International Journal of Contemporary Educational Research, 10(1), 239–249.


