A Product of the Instructional Design Process Developed According to the Seels and Glasgow Model: Interactive Hologram-Supported Material Set

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Holographic technology, Seels and glasgow model, Preschool, Scientific process skills


This study aims to design an educational process for teaching scientific concepts during the preschool period based on the instructional design model of Seels and Glasgow and to evaluate its effectiveness. For this purpose, a material set incorporating a teacher's manual and interactive holographic materials was developed. The teacher's manual developed has an inquiry-based approach according to which scientific concepts are structured in line with scientific information. Expert opinions were obtained regarding the developed material set. It was determined that the material set developed in line with expert opinions may be supportive in teaching scientific concepts in the preschool period. Moreover, it was found that the developed material set helped the concretization of abstract concepts that are difficult to observe and that require a process and assisted the children in constructing scientific information in their minds by way of generating realistic three-dimensional images. It is anticipated that, with the interactive holographic material set developed during the research, the lack of materials and scientific information in the preschool teaching process of scientific concepts may be prevented.


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How to Cite

Turan Güntepe, E., & Keleş, E. (2023). A Product of the Instructional Design Process Developed According to the Seels and Glasgow Model: Interactive Hologram-Supported Material Set. International Journal of Contemporary Educational Research, 10(2), 336–356. https://doi.org/10.52380/ijcer.2023.10.2.489


