The Analysis of Primary and Secondary Education Curricula in Terms of Null Curriculum

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  • Şefika TATAR
  • Oktay Cem ADIGÜZEL



Formal curriculum, Controversial issues, Null curriculum


This study aims to examine primary and secondary education curricula in terms of controversial issues such as human rights, terrorism, sexuality, etc. determined by the participation of teachers, academicians and education union representatives beforehand. This study was designed as a document analysis which is one of the qualitative research methods. In this study, the curricula of the compulsory courses (N=16) of primary and secondary education were examined through content analysis. The curricula were analyzed in terms of controversial issues through a descriptive analysis form which was prepared by the researcher. The document analysis form was based on the controversial themes and sub-themes determined by the participation of teachers, academicians and education union representatives beforehand. The study revealed that controversial issues addressed by the education stakeholders were mostly not covered in the curricula of compulsory courses in primary and secondary education; in other words, it was the null curriculum. Furthermore, it was found that there was no relation between the general objectives and acquisitions of some curricula in terms of controversial issues.

Author Biographies

Şefika TATAR

This paper is part of a doctoral dissertation of the corresponding author.

Corresponding Author: Şefika TATAR,,, Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı


Anadolu Üniversitesi


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How to Cite

TATAR, Şefika, & ADIGÜZEL, O. C. (2022). The Analysis of Primary and Secondary Education Curricula in Terms of Null Curriculum. International Journal of Contemporary Educational Research, 6(1), 122–134.


