Determining the Geometry Problem Posing Performances of Eighth Grade Students in Different Problem Posing Situations

Geometry problem posing, Middle school students, Problem posing situationsAbstract
In this study, it was aimed to determine the geometry problem posing performance of eighth grade students in different problem posing situations. For this purpose, the convergent parallel mixed model accepted as one of the mixed method designs was preferred. The participants consisted of 151 eighth grade students from the same school. The “Geometry Problem Posing Test” was used as a data collection tool which consists of a total of six open-ended problems including free, semi-structured, and structured problem posing situations developed by the researchers. An analytical rubric including seven criteria was used for the analysis of the student posed problems. In the research, a significant difference was found among the problem posing situations. In order to examine this difference in depth, the rubric criteria were analysed descriptively with a qualitative approach. After the analysis, it was concluded that the success in structured problem posing situations was lower than the success in other problem posing situations. Therefore, it can be said that the structured problem posing situations can be more challenging for students in geometry problem posing.
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