The Relationship between Pre-service Teachers’ Cognitive Flexibility Levels and Techno-pedagogical Education Competencies

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  • Gülcan Öztürk
  • Ayşen KARAMETE
  • Gülcan ÇETİN



cognitive flexibility, techno-pedagogical education competency, preservice teachers


The study aimed to examine the pre-service teachers’ cognitive flexibility levels and techno-pedagogical education competencies in terms of several variables and to determine whether there is a relationship between their cognitive flexibility levels and techno-pedagogical education competencies. Determining whether the relationship between the cognitive flexibility and techno-pedagogical content knowledge that was emphasized in theoretical studies exists would contribute to teacher education. Thus, it could be stated that the cognitive flexibility might be included among the factors to enable the development and use of the techno-pedagogical content knowledge. The study was conducted with a total of 616 pre-service teachers and designed by using the exploratory correlational research model. The sample was determined by using convenience sampling methods. “Cognitive Flexibility Scale” and “Techno-pedagogical Education Competency Scale” were used for data collection. The findings demonstrated that the pre-service teachers have a high level of cognitive flexibility and techno-pedagogical education competency. It was also found that the cognitive flexibility scores had a statistically significant difference in terms of all independent variables (gender, type of program, and having a computer and internet access), and the techno-pedagogical education competency scores did not indicate a statistically significant difference in terms of gender and type of program, while they demonstrated a significant difference in terms of having a computer and internet access. Pearson’s correlation coefficient was calculated to determine the relationship between the pre-service teachers’ cognitive flexibility and techno-pedagogical education competency scores, and a moderately significant relationship was found. It could be concluded that the relationship emphasized in theoretical studies between the cognitive flexibility and techno-pedagogical content knowledge is moderate. Accordingly, the cognitive flexibility could provide the development and use of techno-pedagogical content knowledge which has an important role in teacher education.

Author Biographies

Gülcan Öztürk

The study was supported by Balıkesir University Scientific Research Projects Coordination Unit as 2017/155 research project. A part of the study was orally presented at the International Necatibey Education and Social Sciences Research Congress (UNESAK 2018) organized at the Necatibey Faculty of Education, Balıkesir University between 26-28 October 2018.

Corresponding Author: Gülcan Öztürk,




Gülcan ÇETİN

Gülcan ÇETİN


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How to Cite

Öztürk, G., KARAMETE, A., & ÇETİN, G. (2022). The Relationship between Pre-service Teachers’ Cognitive Flexibility Levels and Techno-pedagogical Education Competencies. International Journal of Contemporary Educational Research, 7(1), 40–53.


