Teacher Perspectives on Classroom Management
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Classroom management, Teacher training, Learning environment, Communication, Qualitative researchAbstract
This study aims to evaluate classroom management from teachers’ perspectives. The research was conducted using phenomenology design. We employed maximum variation sampling to determine the study group of the research. The study included 15 teachers from different branches teaching in several public schools. The data were collected in the 2018-2019 academic year using the interview technique and thematized using content analysis. The findings of the study suggested that teachers defined the classroom management as a skill to form effective learning environment. Lack of professional experience and knowledge, and academic shortcomings were found as poor skills. The ability of teachers to increase the effective and cognitive skills of their students was taken as evidence that teachers’ classroom management skills were strong. Teachers regarded the use of an effective teaching method as a prerequisite to cope with inappropriate behaviors while managing their classes. Finally, it was recommended that beginning teachers recognize that each class has its characteristics and different classroom management dynamics.
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