Determination of Educational Needs of Teachers Regarding the Education of Inclusive Students with Learning Disability

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  • Osman AKTAN



Special education, inclusive education, learning disability, teacher, educational need


The aim of this study is to determine the educational needs of the teachers regarding the education of inclusive students with learning disabilities in their classes. A qualitative case study design was used in this paper. The study group consists of 20 teachers who work in primary, secondary and high schools in Duzce city center in the 2018-2019 academic year and they have students who were diagnosed with learning disabilities in their classrooms. The participating teachers were selected according to the maximum diversity sampling method. In this research, teacher opinions were asked through a semi-structured interview form and content analysis was employed to analyze the data. As a result of the research, the educational needs of the teachers were gathered in five themes which are the competence of recognizing learning difficulties of students, to use the educational diagnostic process for students with learning difficulties, to prepare an individualized education plan, to develop instructional adaptations, and to conduct a family education. Based on the findings of this study, the teachers were revealed to need education in recognizing learning disabilities and the features of students with learning disabilities. In addition to these, they were also detected to need education not only in the use and the interpretation of standard assessment tools but also the knowledge about vocational regulations. The participating teachers also stated that they lack knowledge in the establishment of support and cooperation mechanisms, having the content knowledge regarding the preparation of an individualized education plan, providing expert support as well as pre, while and post educational interventions and training for family education. In the light of the research findings, it was proposed to provide practical in-service training with expert support, improve the professional qualifications of teachers providing prevocational and on the job training, and to carry out awareness activities aiming at increasing family participation.

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Corresponding Author: Osman Aktan,



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How to Cite

AKTAN, O. (2022). Determination of Educational Needs of Teachers Regarding the Education of Inclusive Students with Learning Disability. International Journal of Contemporary Educational Research, 7(1), 149–164.


