Development Process of “Scale for the Attitudes towards Risky Play at Early Childhood (SATRPEC) - Parent Form”

Risky play, Early childhood,, Scale, Parents, AttitudesAbstract
In this study, it was aimed to develop Scale for the Attitudes towards Risky Play at Early Childhood (SATRPEC) for the parents whose children currently attend to a preschool institution. The sample was comprised of 742 parents whose children were attending to a nursery class or a kindergarten located in Afyonkarahisar – Turkey and affiliated to Turkish Ministry of National Education during 2018-2019 academic year. In order to develop the scale, initially a comprehensive literature review was performed. As a result of a detailed screening, a pool of 50 five-point Likert type items was created. The initial form was presented to a total number of 13 experts, i.e. five academicians, one measurement and evaluation specialist, five teachers and two parents. CVR and CVI were calculated according to expert opinions and the scale was reduced to 28 items. This form was first piloted and reliability coefficient was calculated. For construct validity, exploratory factor analysis was performed first. The construct validity of the scale was also tested by confirmatory factor analysis. The obtained values showed that the instrument was reliable and had acceptable psychometric properties.
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