Conscious Consumerism Education in Social Studies Courses: Reflections of an Action Research


Social Studies, Economics Education, Conscious Consumerism, Consumer RightsAbstract
This paper aims to reveal the effectiveness of conscious consumerism education about increasing and changing students’ awareness and perceptions of conscious consumerism. In the study, the action research method, one of the qualitative research methods, was used. The study included 23 students studying in a public secondary school in Konya, Turkey. Data were collected by using structured interviews, teacher observations, teaching activities and video recordings. The data were evaluated by the content analysis method. Firstly, a "prior knowledge assessment form" was applied to the students to measure their knowledge about conscious consumerism. Then, considering the students' missing or incorrect knowledge, teaching activities about conscious consumerism were designed and implemented. The results obtained in the study have revealed that action research activities positively affect students' awareness and perception of conscious consumerism. In addition, these activities have enabled students to perceive "conscious consumption" as responsible, sustainable and thoughtful consumption.
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