Views of Prospective Teachers on Learning Responsibility

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  • Meltem Gökdağ Baltaoğlu
  • Meral GÜVEN



Learning responsibility, Prospective teachers, Active learners, Self-regularatory learning


This study aims to reveal the views of prospective teachers, who study at the faculty of education, on learning responsibility. This study is performed on the basis of the basic qualitative research method. The study group of the research is composed of a total of 48 prospective teachers whose views are received on a voluntary basis and who are enrolled in the Psychological Counseling and Guidance Department of the faculty. 29 of prospective teachers participating in the research are females and 19 of them are males. In the research, data are collected through an open-ended survey design to identify the views of prospective teachers on learning responsibility. Research data are analyzed through content analysis technique. Views of prospective teachers are grouped under certain categories by two researchers upon reading each answer for open-ended questions. The frequency of views/responses expressed by prospective teachers for each category is specifically demonstrated. At the end of the study, it is concluded that, firstly, definitions of prospective teachers for learning responsibility are on themes of study skills, learner’s independence, responsibility-awareness; secondly, their views on how learning responsibility is supposed to be achieved are on themes of the association of the learner with himself/herself, with the family and with the teacher, and lastly, their views on duties of teachers are on themes of sensational skills, method & technique, raising awareness about learning responsibility and academic skills.

Author Biographies

Meltem Gökdağ Baltaoğlu

Corresponding Author: Meltem Gökdağ Baltaoğlu,




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How to Cite

Baltaoğlu, M. G., & Meral GÜVEN. (2022). Views of Prospective Teachers on Learning Responsibility. International Journal of Contemporary Educational Research, 7(1), 228–239.


