The Relationship Between Academic Procrastination Behaviors Of Secondary School Students, Learning Styles And Parenting Behaviors

Academic procrastination, learning styles, parental behaviors, secondary school educationAbstract
The study aims to reveal the relationship between academic procrastination behavior and learning styles of the students and parents' child-raising behaviors of parents. The research has a quantitative design and is in correlational survey model. The study group of the study consists of 358 parents and their secondary school students. “Academic Procrastination”, “Alabama Parenting Questionnaire” and "Learning Styles for Elementary School Students” scales were used as data collection tools. The findings show that the procrastination behaviors of secondary school 5th grade students are lower than 6th, 7th and 8th grade students. It is also observed that there is a relationship between academic procrastination behaviors of students and some sub-dimensions of parental behaviors. It can be stated that 6% of the total variance of students' academic procrastination behavior is explained by poor parental follow-up behaviors. In the literature, data regarding parenting style were mostly obtained from how teenagers perceive their parents. Researchers who want to study in this field may reach the teenagers' parents directly. They may also conduct studies that examine the effects of different learning styles and personality traits on procrastination behaviors at other educational levels.
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