Pre-Service Teachers’ Criteria for Evaluating Mathematical Arguments That Include Generic Examples

Reasoning and Proof,, Proof evaluation, Generic examplesAbstract
This study investigated how pre-service teachers evaluate mathematical arguments including generic examples. By using written responses of 71 PSTs, the results revealed six criteria used by PSTs, which were being explanatory, being general, correctness, mode of representation, mode of argumentation, and structure of the argument. The criteria suggest what PSTs considered and might value while evaluating arguments. Also, PSTs found deductive arguments more convincing than generic examples arguments. While evaluating arguments with generic examples nature, PSTs considered generic example with visual representation more valid and convincing than with numeric representation. PSTs seemed to be relatively adept at evaluating arguments; however, many had difficulty with identifying the structure of the generic examples. Overall, this study suggests a more coherent approach for integrating generic examples in teacher education programs and directions for further research.
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