Evaluation of an Educational Reform in the Context of Equal Opportunities in Turkey: Policy Recommendations with Evidence from PISA


educational reform, Equality of educational opportunity, Educational policy recommendationsAbstract
The purpose of this research is to identify the current situation regarding equality of educational opportunity after the implementation of 12-year compulsory education which serves as a reform in Turkey on the basis of key indicators and to suggest policy recommendations to provide equality of educational opportunity. The research, aiming to define some variables of student academic success in science, reading and mathematics literacy levels according to PISA 2012 and 2015 panel data for ensuring equality of educational opportunity in Turkey, is in survey model. The research revealed that the extension of the compulsory education period in the context of equal opportunities hadn’t increased student success. Delivery of opportunities to the home environment affects the family’s socio-economic and socio-cultural variables, which themselves affect student academic success. In this context, supportive policy proposals such as an independent budget, regional economic index creation and direct assistance to the child were presented to the relevant parties and stakeholders.
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