A Discussion about Errors in Algebra for Creation of Learning Object

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  • Thaísa Jacintho Müller
  • Helena Noronha Cury
  • José Valdeni de Lima


Error analysis, Distributive property, Algebra learning, Elementary school


This Article reports the results of a research with 333 freshmen students of Differential Calculus, for whom it was applied a test with questions about basic mathematics. The question analysed in this article involves basic algebra. The students made mistakes in operations and algebraic properties that are essential for the continuity of their studies in Calculus, especially to solve exercises of limits and derivatives. Then, we sought to some theoretical constructs to discuss the errors, such as concept image, symbol sense, structure sense and algebraic insight. The main difficulties observed are related to the distributive property of multiplication over addiction. In this paper we propose the creation of a learning object, in accordance to the principles of multimodality to help students overcome their difficulties in algebra.

Author Biographies

Thaísa Jacintho Müller

 Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul

Helena Noronha Cury

Centro Universitário Franciscano

Corresponding Author: Helena Noronha Cury, curyhn@gmail.com, Centro Universitário Franciscano.

José Valdeni de Lima

Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul


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How to Cite

Müller, T. J., Cury, H. N., & de Lima, J. V. (2014). A Discussion about Errors in Algebra for Creation of Learning Object. International Journal of Contemporary Educational Research, 1(1), 42–50. Retrieved from https://ijcer.net/index.php/pub/article/view/13


