The Role of Classroom Management on Confidence in Teachers and Educational Stress

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  • Yener Akman



Classroom management, Confidence in teachers, Educational stress, Students, Secondary school


Discussions on the quality of education have been continuing up to the present day. Especially teachers’ educational efficacies, teacher-student relations and educational stress-which is thought to be related to them and which affects learning in negative ways- attract attention. Accordingly, this study aims to analyse the correlations between teachers’ classroom management efficacies, students’ confidence in teachers and the perception of educational stress. The study group was composed of 608 secondary school students in Altındağ district of Ankara province in 2018-2019 academic year. The research data were collected through classroom management scale, confidence in teachers scale and educational stress scale. The study employs relational survey model, and it analyses the data in quantitative techniques. The results obtained indicated that human management behaviours- one of the efficacies of classroom management- predicted confidence in teachers scale and of educational stress scale significantly. In this context, it may be recommended that pre-service and in-service training be offered to develop human management behaviours emphasising mutual respect, love and tolerance in teacher-student relations.

Anahtar Kelimeler

Classroom managementConfidence in teachersEducational stressStudentsSecondary school

Author Biography

Yener Akman



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How to Cite

Akman, Y. (2022). The Role of Classroom Management on Confidence in Teachers and Educational Stress. International Journal of Contemporary Educational Research, 7(1), 335–345.


