An Action Research Study on Teaching the Landform Concepts in a Fifth Grade Social Studies Course

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  • Yusuf İNEL
  • Emrah URHAN



Social Studies, Concept Teaching, Landforms, Action Research


This study aims to find out the effect of activities and practices on concept education to help carry out activities to teach these concepts more effectively and permanently, and determine student preconceptions about the concepts related to the landforms in the 5th-grade social studies curriculum in the learning subdomain called “People, Places and Environments.” It was conducted as an action research study, employing a qualitative research design. The participants of the study were 16 fifth graders who were studying at a state secondary school in Bekilli District of the province of Denizli, Turkey. Mind maps, worksheet activities, models and mock-up, focus group interviews and field notes were used as the data collection tools, concept development tools, and process support tools. Collected in four class hours, the data were subjected to statement-based content analysis, and then compared with the criteria developed for the related concept and converted into findings and conclusions. The findings indicate that the student group has a partial preliminary knowledge and perception of the distinctive landforms they see around them. However, the student group's preliminary knowledge and perception of the landforms they do not observe around them is insufficient. The results obtained at the end of the instructional intervention process indicate that the student group is confused about the definitions of the bay, gulf, cape, peninsula, island, strait, and ocean. With the activities implemented after the additional action plan, the student group made progress by effectively learning the basic and sub-dimensional landforms they were confused about. The student group found it useful to carry out mind maps and application activities and achieved effective learning with models and mock-ups. Based on research result, use of sightseeing –observation techniques can be recommended to social studies teachers.

Author Biographies

Yusuf İNEL

This study is part of the master thesis entitled “An action research on teaching concepts of people, places and environments learning space for 5th grades social studies course” by the second author conducted in supervision of the first author.

Yusuf İNEL


Corresponding Author: Emrah URHAN, 

** This study is part of the master thesis entitled “An action research on teaching concepts of people, places and environments learning space for 5th grades social studies course” by the second author conducted in supervision of the first author.



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How to Cite

İNEL, Y., & URHAN, E. (2022). An Action Research Study on Teaching the Landform Concepts in a Fifth Grade Social Studies Course. International Journal of Contemporary Educational Research, 7(2), 144–155.


