The Effects of Software-Aided Mind and Argument Mapping on Learning in Higher Education

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  • Hülya Yıldızlı
  • İrfan ŞİMŞEK



academic achievement, higher education, software-aided argument mapping and mind mapping


By carrying out software-aided mind/argument mapping applications in the “Theories of Learning and Teaching” course offered to post-graduate students completing a master's degree in education, the present research aimed to examine the effects of the applications on academic achievement, as well as explore students' opinions on these applications. The research followed a mixed-method design integrating quantitative and qualitative research methods. Participants consisted of post-graduate students (six students) who were taking the course titled “Theories of Learning and Teaching”. The experimental process lasted for 12 weeks. The experimental part of the research has been realized in two stages: In the first stage, the students were given the opportunity to learn about and practice preparing software-aided mind and argument mapping applications on computers and tablets for two weeks. In the second stage, participants were instructed about the theoretical dimension of teaching and learning processes and of the software-aided mind and argument mapping. Theories of Learning and Teaching Course Achievement Test, Reflective Diaries, Student Self-Assessment Forms and Semi-Structured Interview Schedules were utilized as data collection tools. The results suggested that the use of software-aided maps in learning and teaching processes has a considerably positive effect on students’ academic achievement. Besides, it has been observed that the students acquired various skills with regards to the use of such tools.

Author Biographies

Hülya Yıldızlı

Corresponding Author: Hülya Yıldızlı,





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How to Cite

Yıldızlı, H., & ŞİMŞEK, İrfan. (2022). The Effects of Software-Aided Mind and Argument Mapping on Learning in Higher Education. International Journal of Contemporary Educational Research, 7(2), 187–201.


