Do Career Decidedness and Career Distress Influence Psychological and Subjective Wellbeing? The Mediating Role of Mindfulness

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  • Ümüt Arslan



Career Distress, Career Decidedness, Subjective Wellbeing,, Psychological Wellbeing, Mindfulness


In this study, the mediating role of mindfulness in the relationship of career decidedness and career distress with psychological wellbeing (PWB) and subjective wellbeing (SWB) was investigated. 338 university students (245 females and 93 males, M = 22.6 years, SD = 5.25) from Izmir, Turkey participated in the study. Career Decidedness Scale, Career Distress Scale, The Flourishing Scale, Positive and Negative Affect Scale, The Satisfaction with Life Scale and The Mindful Attention Awareness Scale were used in the study. The Pearson Correlation Test was applied for correlations and PROCESS Model 4 analysis tools were used to test the mediating models. The results showed that (a) career decidedness predicted mindfulness, PWB, and SWB, and (b) mindfulness played a mediating role in the link between career decidedness and PWB and SWB. While career distress predicted PWB and SWB, it did not predict mindfulness. In addition, mindfulness did not have a mediating role in the relationships of career distress with PWB and SWB. 

Anahtar Kelimeler

Career DistressCareer DecidednessSubjective WellbeingPsychological WellbeingMindfulness

Author Biographies

Ümüt Arslan

Corresponding Author: Ümüt Arslan,





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How to Cite

Arslan, Ümüt, & BAYRAKTAR UYAR, B. (2022). Do Career Decidedness and Career Distress Influence Psychological and Subjective Wellbeing? The Mediating Role of Mindfulness. International Journal of Contemporary Educational Research, 7(2), 271–280.


