Writing Synthesis Texts: Effect of Synthesis Text Writing Training and Students’ Views

Discourse synthesis, Synthesis text writing, Writing from sources, Writing training, Text synthesisAbstract
This study aims to investigate the effect of the synthesis text writing training on the success of 7th grade students to create synthesis text and to evaluate the effectiveness of the training given through student opinions on the training process. The research was conducted with 51 students studying in the 7th grade of a public school in Turkey. The research was modeled according to the embedded design. As for the quantitative dimension of the research, there was a training application based on a quasi-experimental design with pretest-posttest control group. In the qualitative dimension of the study, semi-structured interviews were used. According to the results, it can be said that the training organized to improve the synthesis text writing skill has a positive effect on the success of synthesis text writing. It was also concluded that the qualitative data collected through the interviews also supported the quantitative results and some changes and developments in the students were reflected in the interviews.
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