Program Evaluation Experts’ Competencies: A Delphi Study

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  • Demet SEVER



Program evaluation expert, Program evaluation, Curriculum and instruction,, Delphi Technique


Due to the diversity of steps to be followed in program evaluation and knowledge, skills, qualification and competency requirements, the evaluation should be a field of expertise similar to other disciplines. Thus, it is important to consider program evaluation as a field of expertise and to determine the required competencies. This study aimed to determine the competencies of program evaluation experts based on the views of curriculum and instruction experts. A Delphi study was carried out with 23 participants in the first round and each was selected via the purposive sampling method. In the first round of the Delphi study, the open-ended questions were sent to the participants and qualitative data were analyzed with content analysis. At the end of the first round, a 5-point Likert-type questionnaire with 82 items was developed. In the second round, participants were asked to answer questions and also the views of the participants on main and sub-themes and their comments on these concepts were analyzed. In the third round, participants were asked to reevaluate their responses. The study was finalized with an 82 itemed-questionnaire under four main themes: “theoretical professional competencies of program evaluation experts”, “practical professional competencies of program evaluation experts”, “professional values that program evaluation experts should have”, “professional skills that program evaluation experts should have”.

Author Biography


Corresponding Author: Demet Sever,



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How to Cite

SEVER, D. (2022). Program Evaluation Experts’ Competencies: A Delphi Study. International Journal of Contemporary Educational Research, 8(2), 131–142.


