Entrepreneurship Competencies of School Principals: A Scale Development Study

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  • Münevver ÇETİN




Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurship Competencies, School Principals, Scale Development


This research aims to produce a reliable and valid scale that includes the entrepreneurship competencies of school principals according to the perceptions of teachers working in state-owned schools. First, after the literature review, an item pool consisting of five-point Likert item type and seventy-four items was created, and then the relevant items were presented to eleven experts to determine the content validity. After the expert evaluations, the content validity rates of the relevant items were calculated with the Lawshe technique, the nineteen items below the criterion value were removed from the scale, and a scale draft form consisting of fifty-five items was created. To carry out the EFA of the scale, the first application was performed with 436 teachers working in Çekmeköy district of Istanbul province on an online platform in March-April 2020. In the EFA process carried out in line with the data obtained, observations revealed that the scale had a four-factor structure. Then, the Varimax technique was used to clarify the distribution of scale items to factors, and seventeen items that were found to have a load of .30 and above from more than one factor and that the load difference was less than .100 were removed from the scale. As a result of EFA, a scale consisting of 38 items and subdimensions of “Personal Competencies”, “Organizational Competencies”, “Relational Competencies”, and “Commitment Self-Confidence Competencies” which explain 73.32% of the total variance was obtained. Subsequently, reliability coefficients of the scale (Cronbach’s Alpha .98), discrimination indices, item-total – item-residual correlations, and correlations between scale total and subdimensions were calculated. Finally, to carry out the CFA, the second application was carried out online with a sample of 724 teachers in May-June 2020 and the obtained goodness of fit values confirmed the scale model. All these obtained values confirm the valid and reliable structure of the developed scale.

Author Biographies


Corresponding Author: Mesut Demirbilek, demirbilekmesut@gmail.com

Marmara University

Münevver ÇETİN

Münevver ÇETİN


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How to Cite

DEMİRBİLEK, Mesut, & ÇETİN, M. (2022). Entrepreneurship Competencies of School Principals: A Scale Development Study. International Journal of Contemporary Educational Research, 8(3), 55–80. https://doi.org/10.33200/ijcer.847110


