Do the scores obtained from online applications correspond to face-to-face exam scores?
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Assessment, evaluation methodologies, covid-19, Edmodo, educationAbstract
The emergent Covid-19 pandemic in Wuhan, China at the end of 2019 has affected the whole world in a short period of time. Therefore, schools have been closed all over the world and online learning opportunities have been exploited. Although the lessons are taught online, serious problems have been experienced about how to measure and evaluate. This quasi-experimental study with a quantitative method was conducted to offer suggestions for this problem situation. The present study examined the relationship between the measures of academic achievement obtained through different approaches from the students studying at a university. According to the available results, the achievement points earned by the students through weekly blogs had high level of correlations with the traditional final scores. However, the scores of the practices such as online exams and term papers were not in acceptable fit with the final exams. Therefore, the scores of online missions extended over time can be claimed to be the approach that best substitutes the final exams.
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