The Role of Cognitive Distortions related Academic Achievement in Predicting the Depression, Stress and Anxiety Levels of Adolescents

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  • Ahmet BUĞA
  • İdris KAYA



Adolescence, Cognitive Distortions Related to Academic Achievement, Depression, Anxiety, Stress


The purpose of this study is to assess the predictive power of the cognitive distortions related academic success, concerning the depression, stress and anxiety levels of adolescents. The sample of research consists of 411 people, 192 (46,7 %) were female, 219 (53,3 %) were male with 203 (49,4%) of the group continuing their education at academic high school whereas 208 (50,6 %) were vocational high school students. The study data was obtained by using the Personal Information Form, Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS-42) – High School Form and Cognitive Distortions Scale related to Academic Achievement (CDS-AA). The t-test, ANOVA and simple linear regression analysis were used in analyzing the data. It was observed that cognitive distortions related with academic success, one of the research variables, did not differ according to gender, class level and receiving out-of-school academic support. On the other hand, it was seen that, depression, anxiety and stress scores differed significantly in terms of gender, class level and receiving out-of-school academic support. Finally, it was observed that cognitive distortions related to academic achievement is a statistically significant predictor of depression, anxiety and stress.

Author Biographies

Ahmet BUĞA

Corresponding Author: Ahmet buğa,

Ahmet BUĞA
Gaziantep Üniversitesi

İdris KAYA

İdris KAYA

Gaziantep Üniversitesi


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How to Cite

BUĞA, A., & KAYA, İdris. (2022). The Role of Cognitive Distortions related Academic Achievement in Predicting the Depression, Stress and Anxiety Levels of Adolescents. International Journal of Contemporary Educational Research, 9(1), 103–114.


