The Mediator Role of Resilience in the Relationship between Sensation-Seeking, Happiness and Subjective Vitality

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  • Furkan KAŞIKCI
  • Adem PEKER



Happiness, resilience, sensation seeking, subjective vitality, positive psychology


Sensation-seeking, subjective vitality and happiness are interrelated constructs in the current literature. However, there is presently no research on how the relationship between these concepts is affected. The aim of this research is to examine the mediating effect of resilience in the relationship between them, thus bridging a large gap in the field. The group of participants in the research consisted of a total of 519 university students; 384 (74%) of them women and 135 (26%) of them men. We used sensation seeking, resilience, subjective vitality and Oxford happiness scales in the research. We used mediation analysis to determine the indirect effect of resilience between sensation seeking and subjective vitality and happiness. The findings revealed a low-level, positively significant relationships between sensation seeking and resilience, subjective vitality, and happiness and show that resilience has a mediating role in the relationship between the concepts. Moreover, a high level of psychological resilience increases subjective vitality and happiness. Based on these findings, guidance and psychological counselors in schools may be able to better guided on improving the mood of students.

Anahtar Kelimeler

Happinessresiliencesensation seekingsubjective vitalitypositive psychology

Author Biographies


Corresponding Author: Furkan Kaşıkcı,





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How to Cite

KAŞIKCI, F., & PEKER, A. (2022). The Mediator Role of Resilience in the Relationship between Sensation-Seeking, Happiness and Subjective Vitality . International Journal of Contemporary Educational Research, 9(1), 115–129.


