Why Do Teachers Fear? Investigating Teachers' Perceptions of the Culture of Fear through Mixed Methods Research

Fear, Culture of fear, Teachers, Schools, Mixed-methodsAbstract
This research aims to reveal the source of fears by examining various variables of teachers' perceptions of fear culture. The study employed an explanatory approach of mixed methods research. Quantitative data were obtained through the "Culture of Fear in Schools Scale," while qualitative data were gathered through a semi-structured interview form. Quantitative data were collected from 325 teachers working in primary and secondary schools in Turkey, selected via the simple random sampling method. Qualitative data were collected from 15 teachers selected using the maximum variation sampling method. Many contradictions have emerged between the quantitative and qualitative findings in the study. While quantitative findings show that teachers experience low levels of fear originating from administrators, colleagues, and legal processes, qualitative results show that teachers experience these fears more prominently. In addition, based on the variables of gender, marital status, seniority at the current school, employment status, and professional seniority, a statistically significant difference was found between teachers' perceptions of the culture of fear. In conclusion, the research provides some evidence for the existence of a culture of fear in schools. In addition, some critical implications regarding the origin of teachers' perceived fears were discussed for future research, practitioners, and policymakers.
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