Gender in Education: A Systematic Review of the Literature in Turkey

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  • Sevilay AYDEMİR
  • Eda ÖZ
  • Gürcü ERDAMAR



Gender in education, Gender equity, Gender researches, Systematic literature review, Document analysis


Many international and national measures have been taken to advance gender equality in education. The results of scientific research enlightened us on the ongoing problems of inequality in education despite these measures. The study presents a systematic analysis of 63 theses and 58 articles which were published on gender education in Turkey between 2002 and 2019. This study aims to analyze the trend in gender studies in education in terms of year, subject of study, method and findings. 121 studies selected by criterion sampling method were analyzed by content analysis. According to the research results, it was observed that the studies conducted centered on gender representations, gender perception and gender roles. It was determined that qualitative methods were mainly preferred in the studies analyzed. Based on the analysis of the findings of the researches, it is possible to collect problem areas related to gender in education under four main titles. These are gender representations reflecting inequality in educational materials, traditional gender perception and attitudes in educational environments, the need for gender education and teacher attitudes and behaviors that are not based on equality. In line with the results of this study, recommendations were made to researchers and policymakers.

Author Biographies


This research was presented as an oral presentation at the International Pegem Conference on Education held between 16-19 September 2020, and only the abstract was included in the abstract book.

Corresponding Author: Sevilay Aydemir,

Bağımsız Araştırmacı

Eda ÖZ

Eda ÖZ
T. R. Ministry of Education




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How to Cite

AYDEMİR, S., ÖZ, E., & ERDAMAR, G. (2022). Gender in Education: A Systematic Review of the Literature in Turkey. International Journal of Contemporary Educational Research, 9(2), 232–247.


