The Mediating Role of Locus of Control in the Effect of Organizational Justice on Organizational Cynicism in School Organizations

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  • Muhammed BAHADIR
  • Faruk LEVENT



School, Organizational Justice, Organizational Cynicism, Locus of Control


In this study, the mediating role of locus of control in the effect of organizational justice on organizational cynicism in schools was examined. The research started with a detailed literature review, and information on the definitions and theories of organizational justice, organizational cynicism and locus of control in the literature was obtained, and a research model was created by developing hypotheses in line with this information. This research was carried out with 385 participants determined by simple random sampling method among teachers working in public schools. Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analyzes of the obtained data were performed using SPSS and AMOS statistical package programs. As a result of the analysis, it was determined that there is a negative relationship between organizational justice and organizational cynicism, and that locus of control plays a mediating variable in the relationship between organizational justice and organizational cynicism.

Author Biographies

Muhammed BAHADIR

Muhammed BAHADIR


This article is derived from Muhammet Bahadır’s PhD dissertation entitled “Investigation of the antecedents and consequences of organizational cynicism through various variables in school organizations” conducted under the supervison A.Faruk Levent.

Corresponding Author: A. Faruk Levent,



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How to Cite

BAHADIR, M., & LEVENT, F. (2022). The Mediating Role of Locus of Control in the Effect of Organizational Justice on Organizational Cynicism in School Organizations. International Journal of Contemporary Educational Research, 9(2), 329–345.


