The Effect of Problem-Based Learning on Students' Entrepreneurship Level in Social Studies Course

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  • Hüseyin BAYRAM
  • Handan DEVECİ



Social Studies, problem-based learning, entrepreneurship



This research aimed at examining the effect of problem-based learning (PBL) on students’ entrepreneurship level in the Social Studies course. The research adopted an embedded design, one of the mixed-methods research. The participants were the 6th-grade students studying in a state secondary school in Ağrı during the spring semester of the 2020-2021 academic year and their Social Studies teacher. Data collection tools were Entrepreneurship Scale for Secondary School Students, semi-structured interviews, unstructured observation, anecdote, research diary, and checklists. For the statistical data, t-test and mixed model ANOVA (split plot) were used for independent samples, and an inductive analysis technique was used when analyzing qualitative data. It was found that problem-based learning had a statistically significant effect on students’ entrepreneurship level. Besides, participants saw problem-based learning as an approach that contributed to their entrepreneurship level. Based on the findings, the use of problem-based learning in the Social Studies course was suggested, which aims to provide entrepreneurship to the students.

Author Biographies

Hüseyin BAYRAM

This article is derived from Hüseyin Bayram’s PhD dissertation entitled "The Impact of Problem-Based Learning on Students' Entrepreneurship Level in 6th Grade Social Studies Course", conducted under the supervision of Handan Deveci.

 Corresponding Author: Hüseyin Bayram,

Hüseyin BAYRAM
Ağrı İbrahim Çeçen Üniversitesi




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How to Cite

BAYRAM, H., & DEVECİ, H. (2022). The Effect of Problem-Based Learning on Students’ Entrepreneurship Level in Social Studies Course. International Journal of Contemporary Educational Research, 9(2), 359–377.


