Analyzing TALIS Indicators and PISA Results with Data Envelopment: Comparison of EMS, DEAP and R Software

TALIS, PISA, Efficiency, Data envelopment analysisAbstract
The Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS) and the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) are large-scale measurements about teaching and learning. There is a link between TALIS indicators and PISA results. We investigated which countries are effective according to TALIS indicators as inputs and PISA 2015 mathematics, scientific, and reading literacy scores as outputs in this research. Common 24 countries' data from TALIS 2013 and PISA 2015 were analyzed. Data envelopment analysis was used in this quantitative research. Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Italy, Korea, Mexico, Netherlands, Norway, and Portugal were found to be effective countries in EMS 1.3, DEAP-XP 2.1, and R-4.0.3 software according to the input-oriented CCR model. Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Italy, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Netherlands, Norway, and Portugal were found to be effective countries in EMS 1.3, DEAP-XP 2.1, and R-4.0.3 software according to the input-oriented BCC model. The results obtained from the BCC and CCR model differ partially. Italy and Norway should be taken as reference the mostly by ineffective countries for getting better PISA score according to both models analyzing with EMS 1.3, DEAP-XP 2.1, and R-4.0.3.
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