The Development of Craft and Technology Education Curriculums and Students’ Attitudes towards Technology in Finland, Estonia and Iceland

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  • Ossi Autio
  • Mart Soobik
  • Gisli Thorsteinsson


Technology education, Craft education, Attitudes towards technology, National curriculum


The research is based on a comparative study of craft and technology education curriculums and students’ attitudes towards craft and technology in Finland, Estonia and Iceland. The study was undertaken by the Helsinki University, University of Tallinn and University of Iceland during years 2012-2013. A literature review was completed, in order to examine and compare the origins of craft education in Finland, Estonia and Iceland. In addition, a quantitative survey was subsequently distributed to 658 school students in Finland, Estonia and Iceland. It consisted of 14 questions, which aimed to ascertain students’ attitudes towards craft and technology. The survey showed substantial differences in students’ attitudes towards craft and technology education in the three countries: these differences may be explained by differences in the national curriculums, the different pedagogical traditions and cultural differences in the field of technology. However, for deeper understanding, the qualitative findings need to be examined further with different research methods.

Author Biographies

Ossi Autio

Corresponding Author: Ossi Autio,, University of Helsinki.

Mart Soobik

University of Tallinn

Gisli Thorsteinsson

University of Iceland


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How to Cite

Autio, O., Soobik, M., & Thorsteinsson, G. (2015). The Development of Craft and Technology Education Curriculums and Students’ Attitudes towards Technology in Finland, Estonia and Iceland. International Journal of Contemporary Educational Research, 2(1), 22–34. Retrieved from


