Information on Coordinate System as a Tool for Developing Mathematical Thinking

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  •  Ilana Levenberg


Coordinate System, Graphic representation, Meaningful learning, Creative thinking


The present paper presents activities tested and tried in class, which are designed to promote and develop mathematics knowledge, based on visual illustrations. Presents activities designed to stimulate creative thinking while developing mathematical thinking and more thorough comprehension of the meaning of information in an axes system. Activities like those, as a multi-disciplinary practice, will entail pupils' better and more meaningful learning of mathematics and will enrich knowledge of this subject. Furthermore, being well acquainted with unusual graphic representations will greatly enhance the study of algebra and other mathematics subjects later on. 

Author Biography

 Ilana Levenberg

Corresponding Author: Ilana Levenberg,, Gordon Academic College of Education.


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How to Cite

Levenberg, Ilana. (2015). Information on Coordinate System as a Tool for Developing Mathematical Thinking. International Journal of Contemporary Educational Research, 2(1), 46–53. Retrieved from


