Investigation of School 'Administrators' Assumptions Regarding Management Practices Based on X-Y Theory

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'McGregor's theory, Classical management theories, Human relations approach, X-Y theories, Belief in human nature


The main goal of this research is to develop a measurement tool that will determine the beliefs that guide school administrators' practices based on X and Y theory and the relationships between of level of these beliefs and other variables that school administrators use in management practices. The theory was tested with the scale developed in the research. Furthermore, the levels of school administrators' beliefs, which are assumed to guide their practices based on X and Y theory, were revealed in the research using data obtained during the scale development study; it was determined whether the demographic variables of school administrators differed according to the subscale (X and Y subscale) scores. Relational and causal comparison strategies were used in this quantitatively constructed investigation. Research data were collected from three sample groups in the Erzurum sample. It has been determined that there is a significant difference in the X theory subscale score in favour of school administrators working in primary schools. The study concluded that, based on X-Y theory, the assumptions of school administrators that shape management practices could be determined by the School Administrators' Beliefs in the Nature of Human Scale.


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How to Cite

YILDIRIM, İsa, & ALBEZ, C. (2022). Investigation of School ’Administrators’ Assumptions Regarding Management Practices Based on X-Y Theory. International Journal of Contemporary Educational Research, 9(4), 770–784.


