Job Satisfaction among Academic Staff in Faculty of a Reputable Turkish University: Past and Present

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  • Baris Barlas


Job satisfaction, Turkey, Academic staff, Job commitment


This paper examines the change of the determinants of job satisfaction and the commitment among the academic staff between the years 2002 and 2014, in a faculty of a distinguished Turkish university in different age, gender, and positional tenure groups. A questionnaire was filled in by 35 academic staff in 2002 and by 39 academic staff in 2014. The analyses of two different time survey data revealed that positional tenure, age, gender, compensation, and marital status, have different effects during the 12 years period of time.

Author Biography

Baris Barlas

Corresponding Author: Baris Barlas,, Istanbul Technical University


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How to Cite

Barlas, B. (2016). Job Satisfaction among Academic Staff in Faculty of a Reputable Turkish University: Past and Present. International Journal of Contemporary Educational Research, 3(1), 1–11. Retrieved from


