Comparison of Problem-Posing Skills of Gifted and Non-Gifted Primary School Students

Gifted and non-gifted, Primary school students, Problem-posingAbstract
The purpose of this study was to compare the problem posing skills of gifted and non-gifted primary school students. In this study, the case study method was used. The participants who were selected by convenient sampling consisted of 24 gifted and 24 non-gifted students attending from the East of Black Sea region of Turkey. The data in the study were collected with an open-ended problem posing test that was developed by the researchers. This test consists of three situations requiring free, semi-structured and structured, problem posing. The data were evaluated according to the problem posing test evaluation form that was developed by the researchers. At the end of the study, while there was no statistical significance between gifted and non-gifted primary school students in free and semi-structured problem posing, it was found that non-gifted primary school students were statistically significantly better than gifted primary school students in structured problem posing.
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