Transformational Leadership Laboratory: The Project's Success Factors

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  • H. Bambang B. Nugroho



Leadership Education and Training, Transformational Projects, Project Success Factors


This study investigated success factors of transformation projects that were managed by Indonesian public leadership education and training participants. Previous reports on project management success factors mostly were of quantitative natures and paid very little attention to the process of educating and training of prospective public project managers. All of key informants were alumni of public leadership programs in Indonesia, who involved voluntarily in the current qualitative study. Open-ended questionnaire was set up for one on one interviews in gathering evidences, and the NVivo 10 was used both in managing and analyzing them. The constant inductions of this research revealed that project’s innovation, team performances, risk management, resources controlling, and schedule monitoring were the top five success factors in managing public transformation projects in education and training settings.

Author Biography

H. Bambang B. Nugroho

Corresponding Author: R.H. Bambang B. Nugroho,, Education and Training Center, the Ministry of State Secretariat of the Republic of Indonesia


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How to Cite

Nugroho, H. B. B. (2018). Transformational Leadership Laboratory: The Project’s Success Factors. International Journal of Contemporary Educational Research, 5(2), 79–86.


