A Collaboration Project on Education for Sustainability: A Qualitative Evaluation of Professional Development Program for Turkish Preschool Teachers

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Sustainable development, Sustainable development goals, Education for sustainability, Professional development, Preschool teachers


This article is dedicated to examining a bilateral project established between the Republic of Korea and Türkiye, with the overarching objective of elevating awareness and endowing preschool teachers with the capacity to embed education for sustainability (EfS) within their classroom practices seamlessly. For this purpose, a professional development (PD) program was developed regarding three pillars of sustainability and 7R themes. Fourteen preschool teachers attended the PD program. Three teachers participated in this case study to reveal teachers' transformation regarding sustainability and early childhood education for sustainability. The data were collected through pre-post-follow-up interviews and classroom observations. Thematic content analyses were conducted. According to the results, the PD program enhanced and deepened teachers’ sustainability knowledge. In addition, teachers could transfer the knowledge from the PD program on education for sustainability into their practice not entirely but acceptably, and they have a chance to reconsider their lifestyle habits regarding sustainability in many areas. 


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How to Cite

Elmas, R., Öztürk, N., Kahriman Pamuk, D., Ünal Çubukçuoğlu, H. B., Pamuk, S., Koşan, Y., Güler Yıldız, T., & Haktanır, G. (2024). A Collaboration Project on Education for Sustainability: A Qualitative Evaluation of Professional Development Program for Turkish Preschool Teachers . International Journal of Contemporary Educational Research, 11(2), 219–235. https://doi.org/10.52380/ijcer.2024.11.2.607


