Exploration of Pre-Service Science Teachers’ Perceptions towards Secondary School Science Curriculum

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  • Gökhan Aksoy




Pre-service science teachers, intended curriculum, enacted curriculum, general competencies for teaching profession


This study aims to put forth how and to what degree pre-service science teachers can practice 2018 Secondary School Science Curriculum (SSSC). The study employs an illustrative case study design. Identified through purposive sampling, the participants of the study consist of 28 senior pre-service teachers studying at science teaching program at an education faculty. Document analysis, semi-structured observation form and researcher’s journal were used as data collection tools. The data were analyzed through descriptive analysis. The findings of the study reveal that there are some mismatches between the contents of 2018 SSSC and prospective teachers’ practices. It was found out that prospective teachers have deficiencies in the areas of using materials that fit with subjects, using evaluation methods in line with learning outcomes, making use of instructional technologies, knowledge of instructional approaches, methods and techniques, and stating lesson plan clearly. On the other hand, the pre-service teachers have positive behaviours regarding relating the subject with previous and subsequent lessons, securing the learning environment, relating the subject with other subjects in the field and knowledge of basic concepts of the subject.

Author Biography

Gökhan Aksoy

Corresponding Author: Gökhan Aksoy, aksoygok44@gmail.com, Inonu University


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How to Cite

Aksoy, G. (2022). Exploration of Pre-Service Science Teachers’ Perceptions towards Secondary School Science Curriculum. International Journal of Contemporary Educational Research, 6(1), 11–28. https://doi.org/10.33200/ijcer.543360


