3rd Grade Students’ Status of Spending Time with Their Families and Implementation of Values Education in Family in the Turkish Context

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  • Hakan Bayırlı
  • Sevgi Coşkun Keskin




Values education, Spending time with family, Family unity


The purpose of this study was to determine how the primary school students spent their time with the parents and how their families spent their time with children and try to give the study group the value of giving importance to family unity through various activities. The study was carried out as an action research. The participants of the research included 26 students, studying in Turkey. Before the action plan was formed, interviews were held with parents and students to determine how the students spend their time with the parents and how their families spent their time with the children. As a result of the analysis, an action plan was formed based on classroom activities and domestic activities. Within the framework of the action plan, case analysis, workshop and family entertainment design were carried out. After the family entertainment, parents’ and students ' opinions about the activities were taken. As a result of the research, it was seen that students spent their time with their families at home non-interactively by watching television mostly. After the activities, the students and parents said that they were pleased with the activity and that the activity allowed them to spend time together.

Author Biographies

Hakan Bayırlı

This article is produced from the first author’s Master’s dissertation. ** Corresponding Author: Hakan Bayırlı, hbayirli@aku.edu.tr, Afyon Kocatepe University

Sevgi Coşkun Keskin

Sakarya University


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How to Cite

Bayırlı, H., & Keskin, S. C. (2022). 3rd Grade Students’ Status of Spending Time with Their Families and Implementation of Values Education in Family in the Turkish Context. International Journal of Contemporary Educational Research, 6(1), 110–121. https://doi.org/10.33200/ijcer.542190


