The Effects of Drama on Pre-service Teachers’ Affective Traits about Teaching

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  • Özgür Ulubey
  • Necdet AYKAÇ
  • Özkan ÇELİK
  • Perihan KORKUT



Creative drama, Teaching motivation, Teacher self-efficacy, Teacher attitudes


This study aims to investigate the effect of a drama program that was created to develop the affective traits of pre-service teachers; specifically, their attitudes towards teaching, teaching motivation, and self-efficacy. The study took place in the education faculty at a state university located on the west of Turkey, with 32 pre-service teachers enrolled in various departments of the faculty. Utilizing an embedded design; a type of mixed methods, the effects of the developed drama program were investigated. Quantitative data collection methods were used before and after the implementation so as to find out the effects of the program while qualitative data were collected during and after the program. Qualitative data were analysed along with the quantitative data to enhance the findings of the experiment. The quantitative data collection tools were “Teaching Motivation Scale”, “Teacher Self-Efficacy Scale”, and “Attitudes towards Teaching Scale”. The qualitative data were collected through semi-structured interview forms. According to the findings, the developed drama program was found to be effective in improving the pre-service teachers’ attitudes towards teaching, teaching motivation, and self-efficacy.

Author Biographies

Özgür Ulubey

A part of this study was presented at 6th International Academic Conference on Social Sciences held in 27-28 July, 2018 in Prague Czech Republic. This study is financially supported by Mugla Sitki Kocman University Scientific Research Board (Project No: BAP-17/235).

Corresponding Author: Özgür Ulubey,, Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University

Necdet AYKAÇ

Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University


Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University

Perihan KORKUT

Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University


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How to Cite

Ulubey, Özgür, AYKAÇ, N., ÇELİK, Özkan, & KORKUT, P. (2022). The Effects of Drama on Pre-service Teachers’ Affective Traits about Teaching. International Journal of Contemporary Educational Research, 6(2), 338–351.


