The Predictive Role of Reasons for Choosing the Teaching Profession as a Career on the Educational Beliefs of Teachers
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Choosing teaching profession as a career, educational belief, educational philosophy, TeachersAbstract
In this study it was aimed to determine the predictive role of reasons for choosing teaching profession as a career on educational beliefs of teachers from different branches working at the secondary school level. In this respect, the study was designed as a relational survey study. In the study, data were obtained using the “Choosing Teaching Profession as a Career Scale” and the “Educational Belief Scale”. The participants of the study were 414 teachers working in different secondary schools in Ankara, Hatay, Elazig and Canakkale provinces. Convenience sampling method was used to determine the sample of the study. The correlation analysis was conducted between the scores obtained from the sub-dimensions of the “choosing teaching profession as a career scale” and the sub-dimensions of the “educational belief scale”. Multivariate regression analysis was conducted using STATA packet program to determine the predictive role of the scores obtained from the sub-dimensions of “choosing teaching profession as a career scale” on the scores obtained from the sub-dimensions of the “educational belief scale”. In conclusion, significant relationships were obtained between choosing the teaching profession due to altruistic-intrinsic reasons, extrinsic reasons and influence of others and educational beliefs of the teachers.
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