The Alignment between the Official Curriculum and the Taught Curriculum: An Analysis of Primary School English Curriculum

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  • Eda Karabacak



Curriculum alignment, Curriculum fidelity, Multigrade classrooms, Taught curriculum, Written curriculum


The aim of this research is to analyze the alignment between the official primary school English curriculum and the taught curriculum. In this mixed method research, concurrent equal status design was adopted. Questionnaires, semi-structured interviews, teachers’ reflection diaries, and research diaries were used to collect the data. The participants were the teachers who were teaching English in primary schools in Kütahya in 2016-2017 academic year. The quantitative data of the study were analyzed by using descriptive statistics analysis and the qualitative data were analyzed with inductive analysis. The result of this research showed that the English teachers can align the curriculum in terms of its learning outcomes and content. However, they cannot completely align the curriculum in terms of its teaching-learning process and evaluation. Moreover, the study found out the classroom teachers can partially align the curriculum and the multigrade classroom teachers cannot ensure the alignment between the official and the taught curriculum to a considerable extent. The lack of technological equipment and materials, challenges of teaching in a multigrade classroom, teachers’ professional competencies, and beliefs are among the factors affecting the alignment.

Author Biographies

Eda Karabacak

This paper is part of the corresponding author’s master thesis which was supported by Anadolu University BAP commission with the project number 1609E621. A part of it was also presented orally at International Necatibey Educational and Social Sciences Research Congress, 2018. ** Corresponding Author: Eda Karabacak,

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Anadolu Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Komisyonu





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How to Cite

Karabacak, E., & YAPICIOĞLU, D. K. (2022). The Alignment between the Official Curriculum and the Taught Curriculum: An Analysis of Primary School English Curriculum. International Journal of Contemporary Educational Research, 7(2), 165–186.


